In a world where Muslim values are not the cultural norm, Tayba Elementary School is an accessible resource that can help our Muslim youth grow into grounded and firm believers of Allah (SWT). 


Similar to ARK Teens, the ARK Juniors program is for students between the ages of 7 and 11. The Juniors find an extended family waiting for them and can rely on ARK Teens for mentoring, advice, and guidance. ARK Juniors participate in a comprehensive yet fun curriculum that preserves their Muslim identity while building roots in the community. 

We hope all our ARK Juniors will move up to join ARK Teens and ARK Advanced when the time comes.

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Our core program serves young people between the ages of 12 and 16. ARK Teens, the first of ARKanum’s endeavors, nourishes this age group’s spirituality, confidence, and sense of belonging to the community. Sports, travel and community events broaden the curriculum, and our dedicated staff is always involved to help the students thrive!

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Mentorship is a combination of fun and meaningful work. You, as a mentor, will get to know new people, experience and learn new things while supporting children and adolescents and bringing joy to their life. Our mentors play an important role in the movement. It is never too late to join or re-join Arkanum as a mentor.

Become a Mentor


Volunteering is an opportunity to personally impact people’s lives for the better. The act of helping others requires important skills such as selflessness, humility, empathy, and kindness which are important to develop in a Muslim character. It is through volunteering where you learn the true value of community. The impact is a two way street, you are able to give back to others while helping develop important social characteristics. These characteristics become important to help you navigate in this world.

Become a Volunteer